ChattyCathy > wrote in news:qG18n.31504
> atec 77 wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>>> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>>> So would you smuggle it in, or what?
>> SO make one
>> once you get over the description it's easy to make
> I'll pass thanks.
>> and surprisingly
>> tasty
> You are welcome to my share of haggis (but you'll have to share your
> share with 10% of the other r.f.c-ers who also find it 'tasty')
He can have my share as well.
I have a fridge magnet that says "Life's too short to drink bad wine"
There should be one that also says "Life's too short to eat food I
wouldn't feed to my dog" !!
Although......... she does love a bit of beef heart now and then :-)
BLECH!!! Almost as bad as 'Blood Sausage'.