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I am Tosk I am Tosk is offline
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Posts: 272
Default I have melted a plastic food container in mt Electric Oven (help please)

In article >,
> Hi all,
> I have a 9 month old "Leisure" double electric oven.
> I was using the top smaller oven and thought the only element was at the
> top, and put a ready meal plastic tray on the bottom of the oven thinking
> it would be cooler than being on the metal rack in the middle of the oven.
> Result was it stuck to the bottom, I have tried scrapping it while it is hot
> but it does not shift it very well.
> Has anyone any advice please?
> Would oven cleaning spray touch it?
> Mick.

If it's Styrofoam, Acetone (nail polish remover) might do it but I would
probably not use nail polish as it has other stuff in it. You could
however use NPR as a test, if it dissolves the plastic, then get some
straight Acetone. PLEASE be careful and don't let acetone pool up
anywhere in there, the stuff is extremely flammable. If some is spilled
however, it should evaporate in minutes, just wait over night to light
the oven after using it. Acetone also smells horrible, keep a window
open and make sure there is air moving through the area. If you use
straight Acetone instead of NPR, the smell should dissipate overnight
when you are done.

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