I know that #1 and #3 are fork and knife. Duh.
Fork: Cast aluminum made in Italy. Very light and strong. The
times are quite substantial and the backs of them come to a sharp
point, unlike any other forks I've seen. Great for shredding meats
and incorporating flour and shortening. It would also cut sheets of
pasta into ribbons, I suspect. I'm wondering if this fork has a
special use in the Italian kitchen.
Knife: Almost too narrow to be a fish fillet or boner. And a
filleting knife would never be serrated. Bakelite handle, "Henry's
Stainless". All the hits for that phrase show the same knife
selling on ebay. Perhaps it was just short-lived design.
Thingy: The onoy one that is a true mystery. Stamped "EckoFlint
Stainless", full tang w/1" curved serrated blade.