a > wrote in :
> On 1/29/2010 8:42 PM, TFM® wrote:
>> It's been a long time since I've been here. Is Sheldon dead yet?
> Not yet. We were all hoping you had been executed or otherwise killed by
> now. Go ahead and stay away longer NO ONE misses you.
Just like *no-one* will miss you when you're dead, you anonymouse little
IP address [?]:
IP country code: US
IP address country: ip address flag United States
IP address state: California
IP address city: San Diego
IP postcode: 92154
IP address latitude: 32.5694
IP address longitude: -117.0158
ISP of this IP [?]: Cox Communications
Organization: Cox Communications
Host of this IP: [?]: ip72-220-140-166.sd.sd.cox.net
Local time in United States: 2010-01-30 14:16
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........