Tentatively Planning Dinner Party
"Bob Terwilliger" wrote
> cshenk wrote:
>> Then Ghiselle, grabbed my bacon grease, some of the sweet brown vinegar,
>> and riffled my spices (grin). I was busy setting the table mostly but
>> she taught John (age 12) how to cut cabbage up the easy way. It was a
>> fairly traditional german hot slaw with a delicate mustard/cardamom touch
>> and heart warming fatty in a good way.
I emailed her for the recipe. She sent this back:
--- begin quote
4 tb Bacon drippings, from Carol's jar
about 1/2 cup of onion (Thanks for having a sweet one Carol!)
3 cups shredded up green cabbage and 2 cups of red/purple shredded cabbage
3 TB (I guess, I splashed in what looked right) of that sweet brown vinegar
you have
3 TB of my own mustard (Carol's is too hot for this)
I forgot what I used in spices for how much but 'to taste' I used caraway,
cardamom and some of your white pepper
First as you saw me make up the sausage in the big cast iron pan (I am
stealing that one day, bet on it). While that cooked up I showed that sweet
young man John how to chop cabbage easy and he did all of it. You came over
to say 'save that fat' from the sausage so we did. I added the bacon fat
back to the hot pan then added the vinegar as it melted and the spices and
mustard. Stirred a bit then added the onion and cooked to golden, then
added the cabbage and cooked til it was all melted together but still crispy
at the stem parts for interest. Traditional hot german slaw adds some sugar
but your sweet vinegar and my sweeter mild mustard had enough. Tell your
recipe friends hello
----end quote
(Hope the formatting comes over ok)
I don't have her mustard recipe but it's somewhat thin (by my standards)
definately sweet and mild. I believe it's a cooked recipe from the milder
character and it's water/vinegar based.
I agree that her's suited the dish better than mine would have. Her's is
more a slather it on sort while mine you treat almost like Wasabi.
>> I did an impromptu tradtional southern white gravy with some of the
>> sausage grease and folks used it to dip the bagette bread after cutting
>> little bites of sausage and making mini-samwiches. The asian mustard
>> went really nicely with the brisket cut to thin slivers and samwhiched
>> into the bread with a bite of the hot slaw.
>> We finished off with Sponge-bob square pants jello which was a hoot!
>> Simple fun. Not so fancy as what you do.
> Hey, I've never made Jell-O *that* fancy! Sounds like a great time was had
> by all. I hope everybody's cozy by now!
All cosy! It's still 6 inches of snow with slush on all unploughed roads.
It's hitting close to 39 today and the main highways have been cleared with
our minimal snow gear. Side roads like mine are still 4 inches deep just
now in slush with ice under it. I'm guesssing it will melt off enough to
get to work tomorrow though they will probably have a 2 hour delay. Can't
tell yet.
Sadie emailed our little group that she and Art loved the meals we sent back
with Ghiselle. For me, I ended up making 6 more loaves of bread for various
folks. I'm now officially out of all white flour so told folks if they want
more, they gotta bring me the flour to make it. I think the talley was 14
loaves? Plus the bagettes which didnt rise as much as i hoped, but folks
liked their chewy texture.
Yeah, the jello was cool! He made it in his Mom's round Bundt pan. It was
a perfect shape and he'd waited til it was semi-solid then added little
sponge-bob related 'gummy bear type' candies upside down so when you flipped
it out of the mold, they were right side up (mostly, some swam to the side).