Tentatively Planning Dinner Party
"Stu" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote:
"Bob Terwilliger" wrote
>>>> a sort of hot german cabbage slaw at my house (Mini cooking lesson).
>>> Please take notes and post them here!
>>Now ya tell me! Everyone treked home before the hard freeze got too bad.
Heheh as you see, she emailed me her recipe.
>>Simple fun. Not so fancy as what you do.
> As long as everyone enjoyed the food and had a good time who really
> cares if it's not someones cup of tea, it's your cuppa.
Grin, I'm not worried about it. I am fascinated by the fancy ones some
folks plan up, but that takes time and isnt the impromptu sort of thing we
did and do often here. Being winter, it's not as often. Come
spring/summer/fall you'll see me sprinkle notes when it occurs to me about
various ones. In good weather, we gather most weekends, usually at my place
because i have the right 'party setting' porch and such.
Call'em pretty much a combo of 'cook out' and 'cook in with folks not into
Now and again, we do go fairly fancy but we have to be careful as the
finances of the group are quite different (as are the cooking skills) and we
are *friends* so don't want to stress anyone out. If you see lobster here
at our parties, it's because they have a friend who gets local ones off his
dock and gifted a few ;-) Crabs though, yeah. They beg to crawl onto your
line with old smelly chicken bits here. Our local ones are smallish and the
not fished much commercially 'blue crabs' so we might have a party with
30-40 of them in the right season. I gather they are rare to see outside
our area and quite pricy?