Tentatively Planning Dinner Party
cshenk wrote:
>>> Then Ghiselle, grabbed my bacon grease, some of the sweet brown vinegar,
>>> and riffled my spices (grin). I was busy setting the table mostly but
>>> she taught John (age 12) how to cut cabbage up the easy way. It was a
>>> fairly traditional german hot slaw with a delicate mustard/cardamom
>>> touch and heart warming fatty in a good way.
> I emailed her for the recipe. She sent this back:
> --- begin quote
> 4 tb Bacon drippings, from Carol's jar
> about 1/2 cup of onion (Thanks for having a sweet one Carol!)
> 3 cups shredded up green cabbage and 2 cups of red/purple shredded cabbage
> 3 TB (I guess, I splashed in what looked right) of that sweet brown
> vinegar you have
> 3 TB of my own mustard (Carol's is too hot for this)
> I forgot what I used in spices for how much but 'to taste' I used caraway,
> cardamom and some of your white pepper
> First as you saw me make up the sausage in the big cast iron pan (I am
> stealing that one day, bet on it). While that cooked up I showed that
> sweet young man John how to chop cabbage easy and he did all of it. You
> came over to say 'save that fat' from the sausage so we did. I added the
> bacon fat back to the hot pan then added the vinegar as it melted and the
> spices and mustard. Stirred a bit then added the onion and cooked to
> golden, then added the cabbage and cooked til it was all melted together
> but still crispy at the stem parts for interest. Traditional hot german
> slaw adds some sugar but your sweet vinegar and my sweeter mild mustard
> had enough. Tell your recipe friends hello
> ----end quote
What a nice thing to send! The recipe sounds very interesting; I'll have to
try it out sometime. Thanks very much, both to you and Ghiselle!