In article >,
"ViLco" > wrote:
> Steve B wrote:
> > Looking more for finger foods rather than a casserole or soup type
> > thing. But definitely something that will be hot out of the kitchen.
> >
> > Help me out here, I need to look good.
> Boil some well salted corn polenta and let it cool in a square rectangular
> container in order to obtain a square or rectangular block of it. At the
> party, justs lice it in 1/5 inch thick slices and then broil them. They take
> about 5 minutes per side if well close to a good broiler, so when you're
> broiling the last minute of the last side top them: with thin slices of the
> cheese you prefer or sliced cold-cuts or add some mushroom and cheese or
> sauces of your choices, maybe stealing some sauces from the dip-lovers at
> the party. I love to wrap them in bacon, this can also be done after
> removing the polenta slices from the oven, since theyr heat will make the
> bacon transparent (I use pancetta). One can just dip the slices in a cheese
> or tomato dip, too.
Damn that sounds decadent. Fried Raviolis are always a welcome treat,
but then there is Rumaki... <g>
Rumaki can be prepped the day before, then grilled on a Hibachi during
game time.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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