Easy Dazzle needed
Omelet wrote:
>> Boil some well salted corn polenta and let it cool in a square
>> rectangular container in order to obtain a square or rectangular
>> block of it. At the party, justs lice it in 1/5 inch thick slices
>> and then broil them. They take about 5 minutes per side if well
> Damn that sounds decadent.
And note how politically correct I have been in recommending to broil them
instead of frying them, LOL
> Fried Raviolis are always a welcome treat,
> but then there is Rumaki... <g>
> Rumaki can be prepped the day before, then grilled on a Hibachi during
> game time.
I'd have troubles finding the water chestnuts, but rumaki looks really
Don't think pink: drink rosè