should i take a W in my classes - Darren Dorsey John SheffieldOrange Park Florida
On Feb 2, 1:56�am, "@" > wrote:
> "vale" > wrote:
> > You don't know me
> I know enough about you to think you are an asshole and as manipulative as
> John. And I know enough about your friend (John) to think that the person
> you associate with (John) is a ****ing son of a bitch. And if he did that to
> my daughter and I had nothing more to lose, I would gut the son of a bitch
> like I would gut a salmon, right from the asshole up. End of story.
I'm not manipulative you are trying to distort the facts and you are
being manipulative. I think Suzies parents like most parents would
like to blame everyone but themselves for what happened. And, I'm
sorry it happened but what you are doing doesn't help at all. I don't
think it's a good idea at all for John to help write emails or offer
drugs to people not only because it could come back on him but also
because I think people who are suicidal think they are caterpillars
and not worth much and instead of just leaving it like it would be
nice if we all could help them with their problems and help find the
butterflies they have inside. But, you know people here are suicidal
and they aren't going to be hypocritical and tell people they can't do
something that they want to do. And, people here aren't professional
therapists who know exactly what the right thing is to say. And, I'm
not guilty for whatever John did anymore than % is responsible for
your crimes. If you gave me a chance to understand I would understand
that you did things too which you may now wish you hadn't done. But,
people grow up and hopefully can admit when the things they are doing
aren't turning out right. And, some people never learn. And,
sometimes in certain circumstances it is the morals that are at fault
and not the people. But, it's God's job not mine to judge other
people. I am not always here defending John, I am mostly here just
trying to get support and be supportive of other people and to read
the interesting posts other people make. But, I'm not welcome to
Patrick's little tea party that he is having with his sockpuppet