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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default A Rant (with recipe) for the Day!

In article >, PeterL1 said...
:"Bigbazza" > wrote in
:> My double garage is full of old furniture and just plain rubbish,
:> together with an old 1975 'Mini Clubman' car that needs repairs, and my
:> son insists that he wants to keep it and so time in the future restore
:> it again!! ..... In the meantime my 2 cars sit outside of the garage on
:> the drive with no protection from the weather at all....I nearly have a
:> fit everytime that 'Hail' is predicted!.... Unfortunately, my son is
:> interstate and has no immediate plans to return home!
:Push the Clubman outside and cover with a tarp. Call the Salvos and get them
:to come collect the furniture. Do a dump run and get rid of all the shit.

Yeah, like he hadn't already considered that option.
Are you trying to help him or insult him?

:Then park *your* cars in *your* garage.
:> ...... Meantime,
:> the grass has grown too high for me to attempt to mow it,
:Pleanty of Lawn Mowing services around the place. Try James' Lawnmowing
r even Jim's Lawnmowing.

Like he isn't already aware of such businesses.
Are you trying to help him or insult him?

:> and the
:> backyard is full of unfinished backyard work, started and not
:> completed!....
:James' and Jims both do garden care.maintenace.

And again...
Are you trying to help him or insult him?

:> His cat is driving me mad her grieving for him to return,
:> and follows me
:> like a shadow.... I have nearly fallen down the stairs a couple of times
:> when I have decended, she will even run in front of me as I ascend as
:> well!
:Put a big bloody bell aound it's neck!! Then you can at least hear where the
:little mongrel is!!

So... according to Lucas, the cat in question is a "mongrel".
Perhaps it's a barking cat, or Lucas claims to know via osmosis it's
pedigree. LOL.

:> I also have another car of his, a 1995 'Puegeot' 403 that again needs
:> repairing and re-registering, but he wants to sell it, but has put it
:> outside of my property on the roadway, and now I have the police onto me
:> to move it within 7 days, or else!!
:Push into the yard and cover with a tarp....... and then charge him bloody
:storage fees!!
:That'll make him think twice next time :-)

It'll make him think 'something' alright.
You're really full of handy tips today, hey Peat?

:> I absolutely 'hate' being in the house by myself for so long, but he
:> feels some duty to stay with his sisters to help them still with their
:> moves onto a new acreage property, and neglect his responsibilities here
:> in Sydney!
:Sounds like he just wants to get away from you for awhile ;-P

A bit like Ruth and all the overtime she just can't seem to avoid