"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 15:56:52 +1100, "Bigbazza" >
> wrote:
>>I put my new car (that has been outside since purchasing it early last
>>October) in to have a Diamond Glaze put over the paintwork, which will
>>protect the paint work and gives it the highest polished gloss I have seen
>>on cars, and it only needs washing and not polishing.....A lifetime
>>guarantee (wonder how long a life guarantee is for a car)
> I wonder if they have that here in the US?
Hi, SF....... Similar coatings would be available in the USA, I would be
surprised if they weren't!..... Protective coatings for car exteriors and
interiors are available in the UK and Europe....
My one that I had my car treated with are the below products... Have a read
up.. It wasn't cheap though....
Bigbazza (Barry) Oz
"Happiness is never an accident. It is the prize we get when we choose
wisely from life's great stores"