In article >,
"Bigbazza" > wrote:
> I just prepared a favourite rissole recipe of mine for tonight....I don't
> usually prepare for my evening meal so early in the day, but have been
> feeling lazy and weary lately when it comes to the end of the day!......
> Now, these are only a very small amount of my problems at the moment..... I
> have to let a little steam off sometimes!!
> NOW, that recipe.....I will post it here as compensation of listening to my
> rant!!
> Give them a try, they have been a favourite of mine for many years now!
At least your life is not boring...<g>
Thanks for the recipe, AND the rant.
I generally post my troubles on tx.guns.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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