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Alan Edwards[_2_] Alan Edwards[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 18
Default Another great Aussie/Tasmanian cooking show.....

On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 01:58:04 GMT, in, PeterL1
> wrote:

>Alan Edwards > wrote in
>> Good show, even if the wrong end of the island.
>> ...Alan
>> Tasmania (North)

>Even the Tassies display parochialism :-)
>I did my time up your end, based myself in Shearwater, but the north just
>didn't have the same 'feel' to me as the south has.
>Not that I'd never visit the north again!!
>If you're anywhere near Shearwater, and like oysters the size of your
>hand, let me know and I'll let you in on a secret spot the locals showed
>me..... after they decided *I* had brought the rain with me from
>Queensland :-)
>Next time we go down there, we're going to go and stay at The Nut for a
>few days.

Parochialism? No, we don't practice that in the North.
That only applies to the strange people South of Oatlands.

No, not that close to Shearwater (I am at Greens Beach) though it is
not a long drive (less than an hour). I don't have any oysters closer
than 1500 hundred metres, though I can get abalone in front (about 100
metres or less, depending on the tide)

The Nut is great!
I was there 3 days for the long weekend with 31 other bushwalkers in
January and the weather was superb.
