Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
> PeterL1 wrote:
>> "Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq." wrote:
>> A 'rissole' is basically a piece of flavoured steak....... and we
>> don't (usually) crumb our steak.
Sorry! my thoughts got ahead of my typing and in the following statement
i make it seem like im saying "Steak Ranchero" is made from ground beef.
It of course is not, it is a beaten, tenderized steak set to braise in a
tomato based sauce till fork tender.
> Ever hear of "Steak ranchero"? its a "Tex-Mex dish. With the ground met
> in your recipe it reminds me of
And there i should have finished the sentence with the words "salisbury
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
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