SuperBowl Chilli
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> m...
>> ImStillMags wrote:
>>> On Feb 4, 12:41 pm, "PeterL1" > wrote:
>>>> PeterL1 wrote:
>>>>> The chili improves in flavor when made a day or two in advance,
>>>>> and yields 8 generous bowlfuls. Serve it garnished with sour
>>>>> cream, chopped onion, and grated cheese as you root for your
>>>>> favorite team on February 7!
>>>> I'll add that this slop makes for WONDERFUL farts (me wife LOVES
>>>> the smells!) and it'll give ya the should see my
>>>> toilet bowl after I take a dump after eating this - I'm certainly
>>>> glad I don't have one of those odd German "shelf" - type toilet
>>>> bowls! From the way my arse "explodes" you'd think the French had
>>>> resumed nuclear testing here in the South Pacific!
>>>> :-)
>>>> --
>>>> Peter L
>>>> Brisbane Oz
>>> way to kill any appetite I had for the chili............
>> Lucas is such a spazz for posting a lame chili recipe...but then
>> being a spazz is his "job" here. Sports - wise he should compete in
>> the Mental Midgest Special Olympics...
>> Lol...
>> BTW that was *me* that was "spoofing" him above, just so he doesn't
>> think it's Bob Terwilliger or Sqwertz or anybody else. He's VERY
>> "paranoid", ya know...
>> :-)
>> --
>> Best
>> Greg
> The only thing around here anymore that is a guarantee to give you
> the trots is all the nauseating drivel posted either by Peter Lucas
> or one of his many impersonators/personalities.
Hopefully Lucas would "get the hint" and vamoose but then he's of the "slow
learner" type...