On Feb 5, 8:45Â*am, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >,
> Â*Goomba > wrote:
> > A ribbon slut wannabe I'm thinking.
> > Although unusual flavor combos, eh??
> >http://www.chow.com/blog/2010/02/thi...oler-than-you/
> :-)
> I always find it interesting that some people put a lot of stock in the
> absence of commercial fruit pectin in their concoctions. Â*I don't. Â*The
> recipes that do not include it, while they use less sugar, require a
> longer cook time which, to my taste, results in a "heavier" taste€¹I
> don't know how else to describe it. Â*And some fruits, when cooked
> without pectin, just get thick and sometimes gummy. Â* That's not really
> "jam" as I understand a commonly-acknowledged definition of the product.
> Â*I know a guy who looks upon popular American recipes for jams
> (typically requiring the addition of pectin) with extreme disdain.
> Tiresome. Â*He has a commercial, small-batch company and markets
> commercially. Â*I tasted one of his "jam" products and was quite
> underwhelmed. Â*"Sauce" would have been a more honest labeling of the
> product. Â*
> The interesting combinations are. . . . interesting. Â*:-)
> It's too bad that the Gedney jams are not distributed nationally; they
> really do make a fine product with three or four ingredients: Â*Fruit,
> sugar, pectin, citric acid. Â*And the pieces of fruit are actually
> identifiable! Â*
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJhttp://web.me.com/barbschaller;new entries posted 2-2-2010
That white grapefruit with vanilla combination sounds horrible, and I
sincerely doubt she found a source for locally grown grapefruit in the
Bay Area. It just doesn't get hot enough to really ripen them - and I
used to have a very productive tree so I know. They made great dog
balls, though.
I'm pretty much a jam virgin but I agree with you on the pectin,
mostly based on years of eating my mother's apricot jam. She prides
herself on not using pectin and on using really ripe fruit and it is
notoriously runny. Tastes great but you could pour it on your
And now I'm going to go to hell for dissing my mother on the wide wide
world of webs....
Susan B.