On Fri, 5 Feb 2010 06:03:25 -0800 (PST), Food SnobŪ wrote:
> On Feb 5, 7:47*am, Christine Dabney > wrote:
>> On Fri, 5 Feb 2010 05:43:55 -0800 (PST), Food Snob
>> > wrote:
>>>I'd just braise it with nothing but water, carrots and black pepper,
>>>maybe some potatoes. *Not "gourmet," but nothing nasty in there.
>> So, even if the chili sauce and ketchup were homemade ( and some
>> people do make their own) it would still be nasty to you? *
> Making a condiment from scratch, then using said condiment as an
> ingredient in a recipe that sounds like it came out of an early '60s
> women's mag seems silly.
>> Some people like a bit of variety in their food...
*And some folks
>> like to harken back to their roots,
> There's no question that people food slum with items from childhood.
> I do too, though I'm sure not handing out bullets with my name on
> them.
>> which in this case was good Jewish cooking.
> A Good Housekeeping recipe made with Kosher beef? In its defense, at
> least it had onions instead of a packet of onion soup mix. You and
> Bob T are usually posting about complicated, sometimes exotic gourmet
> foods. In that context, i just thought it was funny that you were
> suggesting such a plebeian treatment of a piece of beef.
you know, bobo, you're a very tiresome fellow. isn't there someone smoking
within fifty miles of you that you should be harassing?