On 2010-02-05, sf > wrote:
> Dad's Orange Cardamom Breakfast Rolls
> http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Dads-Or...ls/Detail.aspx
> Yield: 12 rolls
> Ingredients
> * 1 large orange
> * 1/3 cup honey
> * 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
> * 2 cups bread flour
> * 1 cup whole wheat flour
> * 1 teaspoon salt
> * 2 teaspoons bread machine yeast
> * 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
> * 3/4 cup sweetened dried cranberries
> * 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
> Directions
> 1. Zest the orange; set zest aside. Peal and seed orange; cut
> orange fruit into chunks. Combine zest and fruit in a blender and
> puree. Pour orange pulp into bread machine pan.
> 2. Add honey, oil, white flour, wheat flour, salt, and yeast to the
> orange pulp. Select dough setting, and start the bread machine. Adjust
> consistency with orange juice or flour as needed to achieve a soft
> pliable dough.
> 3. When dough cycle is complete divide dough into 2 or 3 pieces.
> Roll out to a thickness of 1/4 inch. Sprinkle with brown sugar,
> cardamom, and dried cranberries. Roll up dough with goodies inside,
> and slice 1 to 2 inches thick. Place rolls in a baking pan coated with
> non-stick spray. Allow enough room between the rolls so that they rise
> properly. Let rise in a warm spot for approximately 1 hour.
> 4. Bake in a preheated 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) oven for 20 to
> 25 minutes.
> Remove from pan, and place on wire rack. Serve warm.
Thanks, sf! I'll hafta a lose the cranberries, as I don't like them,
but raisins should work. Also, I need to get some fresh cardamom.
Mine is too old. Maybe next week.