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Nonny Nonny is offline
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Default Is seasoning a crutch?

"piedmont" > wrote in message
> On 2/5/2010 1:16 PM, Nonny wrote:
>> "piedmont" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Is seasoning a crutch?

> Dang! Heart monitor!
> Snip
>> Something to consider is that Americans are getting older. Just
>> as our
>> eyes don't see blues as well, our taste buds are diminished in
>> what they
>> can sense. More seasoning might be a reaction to reduced senses
>> on the
>> tongue and in the nose?

> Yes, your right about aging and, I'm getting up there in my 5th
> decade. I really got into this when I bought a new brand of
> pepperoni and it was too salty for my S.O., so I cut back on the
> salt in the sauce by half and I was amazed at how some of the
> other flavors came out, so I felt that getting just the minimum
> salt is critical to balance so all the flavors will come
> through.

I grew up with country ham being the seasoning of choice for about
any food, and probably including Mom's ice cream. <grin> She'd
just chip it up and toss it in beans etc., and we'd have ham
steaks on occasion. I never even noticed the saltiness.

Then, about a year ago, I had to go to MO for a cousin's funeral
and the good ladies at our Baptist church had country ham steaks,
along with fried chicken, to serve at the dinner. It was a
flash-back to my days as a kid, but I had trouble even eating the
ham because it was so salty. Since the church ladies were about
half relatives, I asked and they assured me they soaked the ham
steaks overnight in cold water to take the salt out, and that the
salt level was the same as it had always been, in their opinion.
It was probably my own taste that had changed.

IMHO, I wonder if we're presently already wiping the salt out of
our home cooked foods because of blood pressure problems and the
"talk" that salt's bad for you.


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