Latest to fat v starch, and losing weight debate
"Omelet" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote:
>> > Whatever works. ;-) It finally woke me up to what all that extra
>> > weight
>> > was doing to my body. It's very destructive to the skeletal system...
>> Agreed Om. I'm under stern mandate to 'stay tiny' from my Docs. (Which
>> I
>> am and always have been due to luck of 'thin genes' and yes, you'd hate
>> me
>> as I eat like a horse and always have).
> I've always envied folks that could do that. <g>
It's not something we 'do' just something a small segment of the population
have born into us. It's like green eyes or large feet or whatever. Some of
us are weight stable pretty much with no need to think about it. I actually
was not when young but it was the reverse of the normal problem. I was
painfully thin and even engulfing 3500-4000 calories a day didnt really
solve it. Case of 'too much of a good thing'. If nothing else, clothes
shopping sucked when I was a 4P as it's all 'teeny-bopper' stuff and you
look pretty stupid at age 30 in that.
Grin, sorry. It's ok if you 'hate me for this trait'. I'm now almost 50
and a 10P (some things 12P as I have always been thick waisted for my size)
and happen to enjoy the curves I have gained at last. I used to look like a
pipe-cleaner with boobs. ;-)
>> It makes a *huge* difference in back issues as well as joint issues.
>> For me, I have to watch the cholestrol while still getting lots of
>> natural
>> chondritin and glosamine (sp?) as the pill form doesnt seem to absorb for
>> me. Also, calcium pills don't seem to work well so I vegg-out on calcium
>> greens all the time.
> You want "natural" chondroitin etc.? Make foot stock. Chicken, pork or
> beef. Or any "cut" of meat that has a lot of cartilage in it. Cook it
> down into a delicious edible jelly and enjoy!
Thats exactly what i do. You might see it posted in other messages.
Natural sources work well for me and right now my crockpot is full of smoked
pork neckbones and 3 types of dried beans, making up it's own broth (with
other stuff like onions and spices). I have 4 beef marrow bones of a decent
1.5 inch cut for stock in the freezer and about 3 cups left of chicken
bone/joint connsome as well as a final cup of duck bone broth.
I caught onto this in Japan and have been carefully eating what works best
for me without driving the cholestrol too crazy.
Here's a funny. My dog has arthritis. He's a rescue pet and was having a
hard time even walking when we got him but on all the pet meds for it. Vet
is confused but happy as now he bounces in (although he still doesnt jump
much). It's simple. The food additives didnt seem to be working for him
any more than me so i started adding some of my own broth to him every day.
It works for him too. He gets 1/2 cup a day.