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piedmont piedmont is offline
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Posts: 93
Default Is seasoning a crutch?

On 2/5/2010 11:11 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> I recall a fellow at work discussing baby back ribs. He said "the
> ribs have no taste, the flavor is in the sauce". I had to give him
> some of my naked smoked ribs to prove him wrong. People just don't
> know.


You have a great way to prove your point! I'll take some-O-them naked
ribs! (lol)

I hear commercial cooks use that slogan, the sauce is boss, and that is
BS. I was raised in the sauce is boss culture and do like my sauce but
now it is in a dish on the side.

I was taught to cook chicken on the grill back in the late 60's and the
seasoning was, garlic Salt, onion Salt, black pepper and SALT! I still
love that combo but it is garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper,
cayenne and paprika as a base.

piedmont, The Practical BBQ'r