:-( Just found a 12 yo bottle of Chardonnay
George Shirley wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> ...in the back of the closet. Rosemount Estate 1998. I thought all I
>> had back there was a few assorted bottles of red.
>> It should be drinkable, but will have no character left at all. (I
>> wonder if it would be better chilled or not at this point.) Might
>> just be good for cooking...
> East Texas Boy, you gonna burn in a lake of far if'n you drink that
> devil water.
> Did that make you homesick Bob? I remember some hellfire and brimstone
> preachers saying just that when I was a kid in East-By-Gawd-Texas.
Thanks George, that brought back some memories.
My dad is a good German boy from Central Texas, so he didn't much cotton
to a bunch of cigarette smokers tellin' him he couldn't drink beer. He
also made homemade wine, and when they got on his case about that he
told 'em he was in pretty good company on that one (see John chapter 2) ;-)
Bob, from the Piney Woods