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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default :-( Just found a 12 yo bottle of Chardonnay

Andy wrote:
> zxcvbob > wrote:
>> the back of the closet. Rosemount Estate 1998. I thought all I

> had
>> back there was a few assorted bottles of red.
>> It should be drinkable, but will have no character left at all. (I
>> wonder if it would be better chilled or not at this point.) Might just
>> be good for cooking...

> zxcvbob,
> That reminds of my sis-IL's bottle of treasured 1954 Chateau Lafit
> Rothchild that she got as part of a divorce settlement. It was a red, I
> forget which grapes.
> She stayed with us for a while in CA but left it behind when she went
> back to Philly.
> I declared to my ex I wasn't going to ship it to her and we should enjoy
> it. She would've kept it forever. So I popped the cork and poured two
> glasses and...
> was vinegar!!!
> Sis-IL stored it standing up and the air got in through the cork and
> ruined it.
> It might've made an OK oil and vinegar dressing, only I was too quick to
> pour it down the drain.
> Was your bottle properly tilted downwards? If not, don't get your hopes
> up.
> Best,
> Andy

This was stored in the dark, and on its side to keep the cork wet.
