microwave a pizza stone?
Can you microwave a pizza stone?
I've been using a pair of them, but not to cook with. We invite a
group of friends over, and new arrivals choose toppings and provider(s)
to deliver them, till we have all anyone wants.
When each pizza arrives, we cut the top off the box, and set it
on a hot stone to keep it warm.
Last time the new gas company arrived to replace our old tank
(from the company leaving the area) with theirs, they couldn't because of
all the snow. They were planning to try again tomorrow -- but there's
more snow out there than before.
I'm thinking it may be prudent to use enough gas to keep pizza
stones hot til we have a fresh supply. Can I heat them in a microwave
Beartooth Implacable, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
What do they know of country, who only country know?