In article >,
"cshenk" > wrote:
> > You want "natural" chondroitin etc.? Make foot stock. Chicken, pork or
> > beef. Or any "cut" of meat that has a lot of cartilage in it. Cook it
> > down into a delicious edible jelly and enjoy!
> Thats exactly what i do. You might see it posted in other messages.
> Natural sources work well for me and right now my crockpot is full of smoked
> pork neckbones and 3 types of dried beans, making up it's own broth (with
> other stuff like onions and spices). I have 4 beef marrow bones of a decent
> 1.5 inch cut for stock in the freezer and about 3 cups left of chicken
> bone/joint connsome as well as a final cup of duck bone broth.
> I caught onto this in Japan and have been carefully eating what works best
> for me without driving the cholestrol too crazy.
> Here's a funny. My dog has arthritis. He's a rescue pet and was having a
> hard time even walking when we got him but on all the pet meds for it. Vet
> is confused but happy as now he bounces in (although he still doesnt jump
> much). It's simple. The food additives didnt seem to be working for him
> any more than me so i started adding some of my own broth to him every day.
> It works for him too. He gets 1/2 cup a day.
Smart girl. :-)
Those soups are tasty too.
I've googled a number of chinese recipes for pigs feet, and if you
google for the health benefits of them, there are a number of cites and
references. They are a "super food". So are eggs.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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