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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default microwave a pizza stone?

On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 11:24:46 -0600, BeartoothHOS wrote:

> Can you microwave a pizza stone?
> I've been using a pair of them, but not to cook with. We invite a
> group of friends over, and new arrivals choose toppings and provider(s)
> to deliver them, till we have all anyone wants.
> When each pizza arrives, we cut the top off the box, and set it
> on a hot stone to keep it warm.
> Last time the new gas company arrived to replace our old tank
> (from the company leaving the area) with theirs, they couldn't because of
> all the snow. They were planning to try again tomorrow -- but there's
> more snow out there than before.
> I'm thinking it may be prudent to use enough gas to keep pizza
> stones hot til we have a fresh supply. Can I heat them in a microwave
> instead?

Did anybody else have trouble following this? Is this some new sort
of Olde English Futurespeak?
