"pavane" > wrote in message
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
> |
> | "pavane" > wrote
> | > And then there is Stony Hill Vineyard, to me the best California
> | > Chardonnay
> | > made. These are tasting notes from a dinner they held in 2000,
> tasting
> | > Stony Hill wines going back to the 1956 Chard and forward. Have you
> ever
> | > come across any of their wines?
> | > http://www.stonyhillvineyard.com/pag...000_lunch.html
> | >
> |
> | I have! I used to drink their chardonnay when I smoked. I switched to
> red
> | wine when I quit smoking. Trying to get rid of paired stimuli.
> you
> | actually taste the one from 1956??
> I wish ... the oldest I have had was a 1982 a couple of years ago, and I
> still have a couple of bottles of 1983. The winery has a really
> interesting
> library of wines, but very hard to get. I don't think I would resume
> smoking
> even for a taste of the '56, but it might be a close call...
So you're saying 20-30 year old chardonnay tastes good?