Sea salt fine grind
"cshenk" > wrote in message ...
| "pavane" wrote
| > You should be able to find some at any Oriental food store. Its common
| > Japanese name is Aji-no-moto, from its largest packer, but it can also be
| > called Accent, particularly in the US, and a few less polite terms. It's
| > not
| > really a high worth seeking out as the headache and nausea are extremely
| > common symptoms.
| Np Pavine, they are not 'extremely common symptoms'. They are rare. Else
| it wouldnt be on the market at all. *You* just happen to be sensitive to it
| is all.
Why would I care if that weren't the case? But you can't say that I am alone in
this, can you? An awful lot on the Internet going in both directions on this
pavane (pav_a_ne)