Sea salt fine grind
"pavane" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote
> | > | Grin, yup. I do know some folks are sensitive to higher
> concentrations
> | > of
> | > | it, but it's the vast minority although the odds go up a bit for
> some
> | > ethnic
> | > | groups. If Pavine wishes to believe that all 4 of them at one
> restraunt
> | > | were MSG intolerant, no amount of facts will talk him out of it.
> | >
> | > What is a "vast minority?"
> |
> | If my area's southern wordig confuses you, remove the 'vast' and read it
> | again. 'Vast Minority' means a really really itty bitty small minority.
> Sorry, I'm in the South also. I thought that vast minority meant a large
> minority, but it really doesn't matter.
Technically you are right on the translation of the wording. My area is
wierd and i only noticed it when you questioned it.