:-( Just found a 12 yo bottle of Chardonnay
zxcvbob wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 06:48:32 -0600, George Shirley wrote:
>>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>> The ullage -- I had to look that up -- was fine. It was still
>>>> fairly high in the neck of the bottle (the bottle had an unusually
>>>> long neck)
>>>> I bet it was a $10 bottle of wine 11 or 12 years ago when I bought
>>>> it, and I got it on sale for about $7. It still tasted better than
>>>> a nasty bottle of French white table wine that I bought last year
>>>> (no varietal and no year on the gorgeous blue bottle)
>>>> I should just stick with red wines and the occasional bottle of
>>>> extra dry champagne.
>>>> Bob
>>> My favorite is Chateau Diet Dr. Pepper, heavily chilled and served
>>> over ice. Preferably bottled within the last week.
>> but you can't get it at the cheesecake factory!!! what kind of fine
>> dining
>> establishment are they running, anyway?!?!?
>> your pal,
>> just visiting
> He's just messin' with me because he knows I get homesick for East Texas
> every year about February. (I should be out planting my garden, and
> ground here is still frozen down about 5 or 6 feet deep.)
> Best regards, :-)
> Bob
The ground in East Texas isn't frozen this year either Bob. It is the
coldest winter on record for many years though. Even here in SW
Loosyanna we've had multiple heavy frosts, a few freezing nights, and we
don't have to worry about the 450 hours at or below 45F for our fruit
trees this year.
At least when your ground thaws the grubs and other critters don't go
looking for the roots of your veggies.