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Kent[_2_] Kent[_2_] is offline
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Default Freeze-proof thickener??

"BeartoothHOS" > wrote in message
> Somewhere recently, I read that if you use a certain thickener
> for sauces and gravies, you can freeze and thaw them without making them
> go all thin on you; but I can't remember what thickener it was?
> Who knows?
> --
> Beartooth Implacable, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
> What do they know of country, who only country know?

When you thicken a sauce with Arrowroot the sauce loses its thick character
when it cools and you try to reheat it. You basically have to start over.
I make all my sauces with light or brown roux. They retain their thickness
always, when reheated, or when frozen and thawed and reheated.
