Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> George Shirley > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> BeartoothHOS > wrote:
>>>> Somewhere recently, I read that if you use a certain thickener
>>>> for sauces and gravies, you can freeze and thaw them without making them
>>>> go all thin on you; but I can't remember what thickener it was?
>>>> Who knows?
>>> I've never had corn starch break on freezing. Arrowroot either.
>>> You are probably looking at Guar or Xanthan gum tho'.
>> Clear Jel Om.
> Interesting. Never heard of this before!
I have the regular Clear Jel on hand for putting up fruit pie fillings,
works wonders but the regular doesn't freeze well, the instant does.