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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Better Than Jenny Craig

brooklyn1 wrote:

> During winter I keep it right up close to my house... my barn is too
> far to trudge through a heavy snow, and no electric there... and
> anyway tractors are designed to get dirty. Whenever there's news of
> an impending snow storm I put the tractor up on the driveway and
> backed right up close to the house, at the ready for the first big
> push. I've learned that the less I drive over the snow and compact it
> the easier to plow. It's snowing here now but not anything like the
> news forcasted. It's been snowing for three hours now and still less
> than a 1/2" fell... unless this picks up soon we won't be getting much
> snow in the Catskills.

Your Kubota is a nice tractor and I like the way you took a Woods front
end loader and swapped the bucket for a plow... that is a nice set-up.
Do those turf tires give you enough traction if the snow gets really
deep or do you add chains if needed?

George L