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I am Tosk I am Tosk is offline
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Default SuperBowl Chilli

In article >, says...
> --Bryan wrote:
> > I heard that cinnamon (used very sparingly) is "The Chef's secret."
> > Chef as in Boyardee. You have to admit, it's better than Franco
> > American.

> Two foods I have never tried, is Chef Boyardee and Franco American. My
> youngest son easts Spaghettio's but I have never tried those, either. I
> don't eat Pop Tarts or any of the other foods that your generation tends
> to enjoy. I wonder if I am missing anything?
> Becca

I like pop tarts on race weekends. They are really a great filling snack
with a heavier crust, I would call it pie crust but I would not be
surprised if I were corrected. They can be a bit sweet though so watch
which ones you buy. I love the Strawberry ones. I go through several
boxes a summer while running a 24 event season, probably 12 weekend
camping races.

We also keep Chef Boyardee ravioli and spaghetti and meatballs in our
camp kit along with small cans of Bushes (pull top) baked beans in the
dry cooler along with the pop tarts. I really like the ravioli a lot,
but the sodium of the canned pasta products should be noted.

You may wish to try a simple can of the staple CBAD Beefaroni and also a
can of Franco American Spaghetti with or without meatballs. The reason I
say this is the two sauces are noticeably different and some folks like
one but not the other. I was raised on Franco American and I like it
fine, but I now lean toward the Beefaroni or Ravioli by Chef Boyardee.
So, give them both a chance.

And just because I am chatty, another quick pick me up that stores well
and can be very filling, and another one of my favorite weekend fillers
are Fig Newtons. If you don't have a good store brand available, they
can be very expensive so look around. Recently other flavors like Apple
and various Berry filled newtons have been coming on the market too, I
like them all.

Anyway all of the above store well in most conditions, are quick,
filling, and provide a good boost during a long weekend camping or when
you can't be at home in a comfortable kitchen... However, I would not
count on them for more than occasional fillers. And again, watch the

Scotty, try the poptarts