You know someone's a good cook when ......
"brooklyn1" wrote
> Actually that's true... the US Navy conducts the finest culinary
> schools on the planet, I attended and graduated from all of them...
> and only the Crème de la Crème are chosen to cook at sea.
Try it again sam. The Navy school for MS's worked just like mine. It was
the hall over at SSC San Diego and the top grad scores picked order first.
Top grads almost always picked shore duty.
It was not until well after you left that we started to try to send them to
fancy schools.
Ships cooks overall are not bad, and to make them feel better, we now call
them 'culinary specialists'.
From your other message:
> The US Navy gets first pick of the best food, better quality than the
> world's finast restaurants. And there was always all anyone could
> consume... those who bitched the loudest ate the most... fact!
Pure balderdash. They get decent food but no where near the rate of the
best restaunts. I've also been on short rations (by Navy standards) and had
to deal with that at times.