Thread: Heavy Cream
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Default Heavy Cream

On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:18:13 -0500, "Janet" >

> The problem is that almost all cream has added thickeners and other
> ingredients. Look at the label sometime: you may be surprised. If you want
> heavy cream that contains nothing but cream, try a local dairy. I buy cream
> for my truffles and chocolates from Smiling Hill Farm, a local dairy. (In
> bottles, no less.)

I've seen those cute bottles on FoodTV. I think Rachael Ray and Giada
uses that stuff. A dairy trip would mean an hour or two car ride from
my house. Not worth it for a $2 item and I'm not going to go to the
other side of town to buy it at some fancy schmancy grocery store or
creamery just to spend twice as much. The difference between the two
for something like cheesecake isn't notable enough to make it worth
the time or expense.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.