"Steve B" > wrote in
> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
> news:1234e9f1-a6d8-432c-95a2-d831ca165209
> On Feb 10, 4:51 pm, PeterL1 > wrote:
>> On Feb 11, 8:45 am, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
>> > Good bye, Capt. Phil!
>> >http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/...10-02-10-phil-
>> >.
>> LMAO! Looks like 'Captain' Phil(istine) 'caught' heart disease :-)
>> Given his penchant for fatty foods, butter, cream etcetcetc it is
>> little wonder he had a massive stroke.
>> Yet more proof that fatty cholesterol laden foods play havoc with
>> human bodies.
>> I'll stick to good old Canola oil and good margarine thank you very
>> much!
>> --
>> Peter Lucas
>> Brisbane
>> Australia
> You have absolutely no idea what he ate - and neither do any other
> viewers.
> N.
> reply: Why in the world do you continue to pig wrestle with this pig
> Peter?
> Killfile this PIECE OF HUMAN EXCREMENT Peter. To answer him is like
> arguing with a macaque.
Killfile the forgers address of
Using your brain for 5seconds might save you having your foot in your
Peter Lucas
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrites.
-- Albert Einstein --