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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Dressing vs. Stuffing (was Who's-been-posting-here-longer-than-who?)

In article >,
(Steve Pope) wrote:

> Omelet > wrote:
> > PeterL1 > wrote:

> >> I realised afterwards that your "dressing" is actually what we call
> >> 'stuffing'.

> >"Dressing" is indeed "Stuffing" but not stuffed into a bird carcass so
> >the terms are used for the same dish depending on how it's treated.
> >It's "dressing" if it would be "stuffing" but served separate from the
> >bird and baked in it's own dish.

> We just called it stuffing, even if it never went into a bird.
> Technically, if it's off in its very own dish, it is neither dressing
> anything, nor stuffing anything.
> But the real question is... why are we discussing this in February??
> Steve

'cause some people eat it year round in chickens! Or with chicken.
Never heard of "Stove Top Stuffing"? ;-)

Personally, I prefer rice dishes... but that's just me.
Peace! Om

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