Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
> PeterL1 > wrote:
>> Omelet > wrote in
>> news
>> > In article >,
>> > PeterL1 > wrote:
>> >
>> >> I realised afterwards that your "dressing" is actually what we call
>> >> 'stuffing'.
>> >>
>> >> 'Dressing' over here is what we put on salads. Like Balsamic and
>> >> EVOO mixed together.
>> >>
>> >> Or Ranch Dressing.
>> >
>> > "Dressing" as in Salad dressing is the same thing here too dear, but
>> > the word is used for two different things.
>> >
>> > "Dressing" is indeed "Stuffing" but not stuffed into a bird carcass
>> > so the terms are used for the same dish depending on how it's
>> > treated. It's "dressing" if it would be "stuffing" but served
>> > separate from the bird and baked in it's own dish.
>> And now we know why the Pacific is called 'The Great Divide' ;-)
> And hence the term "across the pond". <g>
> Just consider how people use the word "clip" and "magazine" as the same
> thing when they are not...
Clip is a more 'Mericanized thing........ we've always used magazine/mags.
Although.... I do recall on time out bush a long time ago, we'd had a
contact and were going through the admin phase after clearing the area and
taking cover.
The Plt Sgt is going around calling out to each person "How many mags you
got" meaning, how much ammo do you have left..... so he can get figures
for an ammo resup.
All went well till it got to the shit stirrer of the section.
"Thommo!! How many mags you got?"
"4 Sarge. A Hustler, a Black Label Penthouse, a Playboy, and a Womens
Weekly Cookbook. Which one do you want?" !!
> Dad tends to call them "clips" even tho' its' wrong. To him, a
> "magazine" is something that you read.
> I've learned better...
I actually got an SMS the other day from a mate of mine, it goes like
"I was in an Indian shop the other day going through a magazine. I was
having a great time till the gun jammed." !!!
But on the 'clip' thing, it might be a throwback to the M1 Garand, during
WW2 onwards. Then the ammo *was* in clips, which the guys pushed down into
the magazine area of the Garand.
Peter Lucas
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrites.
-- Albert Einstein --