"brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> When I do fancy schmancy I leave the chicken whole, brown it in a
> large heavy pot, add all the ingredients plus sausage, shrimp,
> gandules, plantinos, saffron, etc., then cover tightly and bake in a
> 325ºF oven for like three hours, so when pot in inverted all unmolds
> and the rice formed a thick delicious chewy crust (bun). Elegante!
> This is authentic PR cookery... years ago I dated a PR gal, Dolores
> Sanchez could really cook, in more ways than one.
That sounds tasty. I love all chicken & rice combos &* have to start trying
some more 'island' ingredients like you mentioned (i'm guessing plantain -
plantinos are small, no?), etc. Sausage & shrimp lend a jambalaya thought.
... .