Thread: Heavy Cream
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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Heavy Cream

In article 7>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> Yes, that's one way, however, it doesn't meet my requirements. When I bake
> a cream pie, I generally whip a half-pint or so of the heaviest cream I can
> find. I freeze the bowl and beaters and even the sugar. Then I beat it
> almost to the point of turninng it to butter. IF the pie lasts until even
> the third day, the whipped cream on top is still firm and never separates
> out.

You can make a pie that lasts three days? What's wrong with it?


Sometimes, if my wife makes *two* pies, and our oldest isn't home, we'll
have pie for three days, but that doesn't happen often.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA