Thread: Ice cream
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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Ice cream

PeterL1. wrote:
> Serene Vannoy > wrote in news:7tp3rhFib3U2
>> PeterL1 wrote:
>>> Serene Vannoy > wrote in news:7tmtsjF4e3U6
>>>> Yeah, it's winter. So what?


>>> Lets hope it's made with love, and not aggression ;-)
>>> Family visits tend to do that to a lot of people.

>> Oh, my mom and I adore each other, and I can't wait to see her again.

> My apologies..... I sorta picked up some aggression in your post :-)

Nah, I was teasing any rfc northern-hemispherians who were gonna tease
me about having ice cream in February, while most of our country is
buried under snow. :-)

>>> Makes me glad I'm an orphan :-)

>> Heh. I'll be one soon enough; I'm not in any hurry.

> 'Spose everyone gets there soon enough...... some sooner than others.

Most everyone, yeah.

> So how'd the icecream turnout? And why no vanilla bean?? I just
> *loooooooooooove* creamy vanilla bean icecream!!

I don't have any vanilla beans, and can't justify the expense at the
moment. I made the custard last night and it's in the fridge. Next time
the kid comes down, I'll let her fire up the ice-cream maker and get it
going. The custard was damn good, though. I tested it for
quality-control purposes, you understand...

"I tend to come down on the side of autonomy. Once people are grown up,
I believe they have the right to go to hell in the handbasket of their
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