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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default You know someone's a good cook when ......

In article >,
George Leppla > wrote:

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > On Sat 13 Feb 2010 09:49:16p, l, not -l told us...
> >
> >> On 13-Feb-2010, George Leppla > wrote:
> >>
> >>> There are a few things that keep Sheldon out of my kill file.
> >> I agree with most of the items in your list and will add:
> >> He often says what many of us with better impulse control only think about
> >> some posts/posters. 8-)

> >
> > Like what I'm thinking right now, but wouldn't ordinarily say so bluntly...
> >
> > Someone should cut his tongue out and his fingers off. He is vile, crass,
> > insulting, denegrating, etc., etc., etc. I know this is a public forum,
> > but
> > his Internet privileges should be permanently suspended. Once you become
> > one
> > of his targets, it will never go away, and you never know when you might
> > become one.

> Wayne... does it really matter what Sheldon says about you... or anyone
> else? Does it change your life? Your friends won't believe it, your
> enemies will still be your enemies and the rest of the people will just
> say "There goes Sheldon again." So what?

Well, it *does* matter to some. Of course, it's too late to advise
Wayne to pretend not to care, since that just encourages Sheldon to
redouble his efforts. It also does no good to try to reply to Sheldon
to get back at him. It's like the old saw about wrestling with a pig:
Don't do it. You'll just get dirty, you'll never win, and probably, the
pig *likes* it.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA