Ping: Notbob - about the Bay Bridge
On 2010-02-14, sf > wrote:
> It's not projected to open until late 2014 now and has gone from under
> a billion dollars to more than six billion! Ouch.
No surprise, here. I read about the colossal foul-ups occurring even
before I left. I knew it wouldn't improve. Caltrans has shown itself
to be both unbelievably incompetent as well as openly corrupt. A man
I once admired, your governor, is such a blatant whore to big
business, I become ill at the mere mention of his name. With the
exception of my daughter and GDs, D-crabs, and all things Hwy 1 from
SF to SCruz, there's not a damn thing I miss about CA. So sad.
Here's a few of my favorite Coastal Highway spots: