In article 7>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> Dan, the fact that Sheldon exists at all is a blight on this whirling orb.
> I haven't seen any of Sheldon's original posts for years because he is one
> of a very select few to reside in my kill file, and if I happen to see
> something he wrote that was quoted, 99% of the time I just move on. I
> don't care if he sees what I occasional write about him, or even if he
> enjoys it. His attacks on others bother me as much, if not more, than his
> attacks on me. I realize there's nothing to be done about him. AFAIC,
> anything I happen to write is "water cooler" talk anyway.
Hey now, he DOES know how to cook, and he's a cat lover. :-)
Try to look for the good in the man. It really does exist!
Anybody that loves cats is not all bad in my book...
He also loves deer and grows one hell of a nice garden.
See, I'm an optimist and try to look for the good in all things. It
makes me a happier person.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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