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Default How would you cook ..... (recipe included)

Victor Sack wrote:
> Sky > wrote:
> > .... a small center-cut fillet of salmon?

> If you can get hold of some sorrel - nothing is better with salmon, as
> far as I am concerned - here is what is probably the most famous -
> justifiably so - salmon recipe of them all, the one by the Troigros
> brothers. I've posted it before. Just adjust the quantities of the
> ingredients as needed. The recipe is certainly a bit more fussy, but
> not overly so, than the nice-looking mustard one you posted, but it is
> still worth every effort, I would say. The recipe is from _The Nouvelle
> Cuisine of Jean & Pierre Troigros_. There is a similar recipe in Michel
> Guérard's _Cuisine Minceur_ I also posted before. It is somewhat
> different in that it includes mushroom purée. See
> <>.
> Victor
> Escalopes de saumon à l'oseille Troigros
> Salmon Scallops with Sorrel Sauce
> To serve 4:
> 2 pounds fresh salmon
> 4 ounces fresh sorrel leaves, about 1 quart tightly packed
> 1 quart fish stock (fumet de poisson)
> 1/3 cup Sancerre, or other dry white wine
> 3 tablespoons dry vermouth
> 2 shallots, chopped
> 1 2/3 cups crème fraîche
> 3 tablespoons butter
> 1/2 lemon
> Coarse salt
> Freshly ground pepper, preferably white
> 1 to 2 tablespoons imported peanut oil
> 1. The salmon: Choose a piece of salmon from the thickest center
> section of the fish. Using a flexible boning knife, cut apart the two
> fillets and carefully remove the skin.
> With pliers, pull out the tiny bones hiding in the center of the
> flesh. You will find them by running the fingers against the grain of
> the fish.
> Divide the fillets in two lengthwise, making 4 pieces weighing about
> 6 ounces each.
> Slip the salmon between two sheets of lightly oiled wax paper and,
> with a wooden mallet (or with a flat side of a meat cleaver; Ed.),
> flatten it slightly to scallops of equal thicknesses.
> 2. The sorrel: Remove the stems and strip off the central vein of the
> leaves, working from bottom to top. Wash the sorrel and tear the larger
> leaves into 2 or 3 pieces.
> 1. Put the fish stock, wine, vermouth, and shallots together in a
> large heavy saucepan or casserole and, over high heat, boil down the
> liquid until it is bright and syrupy and reduced nearly to a glaze.
> 2. Add the crème fraîche and boil until the sauce becomes slightly
> thickened.
> 3. Drop the sorrel into the sauce and cook together for just 25
> seconds, then remove from the heat. Swirling the casserole, or stirring
> with a wooden spoon (do not use a whisk, as it will catch on the sorrel
> leaves), incorporate the butter, cut into tiny pieces. Complete the
> seasoning with a few drops of lemon juice and salt and pepper.
> Warm a large skillet, adding just barely enough oil to coat the bottom.
> If you use a "nonstick" pan, no oil is needed.
> On their less presentable side, season the salmon scallops with salt
> and pepper, then place them in the skillet, seasoned side up. Cook 25
> seconds, then turn carefully to the second side and cook 15 seconds
> longer. The salmon must be undercooked to preserve its tenderness (and
> it will continue to cook in the finished hot sauce; Ed.).
> Distribute the hot sorrel sauce in the centers of 4 large heated plates
> and, after having first sponged off any excess oil with a paper towel,
> place the salmon scallops, seasoned side down, on the sauce. Sprinkle
> lightly with coarse salt.
> The dish suffers if it must wait and should be prepared at the last
> moment.

Thanks for posting the link and its recipe! Sorrel is not something
I've ever used before, so its use sounds very interesting! Is
sorrel good to use for different meats other than seafood ??


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