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Leif Roar Moldskred Leif Roar Moldskred is offline
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Posts: 2
Default Baking Bread Using A Bread Maker

Jake Will N > wrote:
> What are the main problems you face when using a bread maker to mak
> bread?

The main annoyance I had with the bread maker was having to get out
the scales and weigh up the exact amount of flour. Not a big deal, by
any means, but enough that I rarely wanted to bother with it late in
the evening (which is when it's natural to prepare it so you'll
have fresh bread for breakfast.)

Gradation marks for fluids on the inside of the bread form and an
integrated scale so you could weigh out the flour in situ would be
an improvement in my eyes.

Also, the blade tended to get stuck inside the loaf, with the only
sensible way to get it out to carefully cut the bread into slices
until you could pry it out without breaking the loaf entirely --
which tended to end with scratching the blade and thus degrading
the no-slip covering, which made it tend to get stuck inside the
loaf even more.

Oh, and the model I had didn't have a proper clock ("Have the bread
done by 6:30 am") but just a delay ("Wait three hours and fourty-five
minute before starting the selected program.) I suspect newer machines
have fixed that issue, though.

Leif Roar Moldskred