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PeterLucas (o/s) PeterLucas (o/s) is offline
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Posts: 17
Default Kitty Gogi <meow!>

On Feb 18, 4:34*am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> "PeterL1." > wrote in message
> ...
> > Goomba > wrote in
> :

> >> *From The Times
> >> February 16, 2010
> >> Celebrity chef Beppe Bigazzi upsets viewers with his cat casserole

> >>
> >> 9058.ece

> > Yeah, saw that in the local online news here.

> > I don't know why people get all bent out of shape about it, at the end of
> > the
> > day, we're all a source of meat/protein to some other animal in the food
> > chain.

> Oh, so you'd be a cannibal if necessary?

To stay alive, yes.

> > And yes, I ate cat in China, and dog in Malaysia and Russia.

> I wouldn't brag about that if I were you.

Not bragging, just stating a fact. Same as I ate whale meat in Norway.
Before that I was nonplussed on the whale issue. Not so afterwards.

But cats and dogs in some countries are a PITA. One only has to look
at the feral cat population in Malaysia. You don't see many dogs
running around loose, but there are lots of cats. Someone needs to
show them how to cook a cat properly.

> > In some places, you have to eat *whatever* to survive.

> Don't be an idiot.

Get your head out of your ass Jilly Mac. Get your fat ass off the
sofa, move away from your trailer park, and get out in the real world.

You've got parts of your own goddam *country* that could, and should,
be declared 3rd world!!

>*Italiy is not a third world country. *Neither is China,
> Malaysia or Russia, for that matter. *

That just goes to show what an uninformed moronic TV retard you are.

You see the bright lights of a country on TV and you think it's the
ducks guts.

That's OK if you live in the city, in Malaysia, or China, or Russia.
Try looking away from the bright lights of the city. Then you'll see
what 3rd world is.

BTW, have you *ever* even been to any of those countries??

(CUE: Jilly Macs story of when her Dad, as Commander in Chief of the
Airforce, flew her and her mother in to watch him save those

> I'd go vegetariarn before eating
> domesticated animals for food.

Try learning to spell the word first, before you decide to do it,

But, no matter........ you can starve to death, then the rest of us
can feed off your fat ass.