Kitty Gogi <meow!>
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I am Tosk[_2_]
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Posts: 160
Kitty Gogi <meow!>
In article >,
> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 08:42:42 -1000, dsi1 wrote:
> > On 2/17/2010 3:17 AM, Goomba wrote:
> >> From The Times
> >> February 16, 2010
> >> Celebrity chef Beppe Bigazzi upsets viewers with his cat casserole
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > A guy that I used to work for told me that he and his friend's favorite
> > dish was the pressed duck at a NY Chinese restaurant. He later read in
> > the papers that the joint was accused with using cats in their pressed
> > duck. He said he was sad when the place closed down because he "really
> > liked that pressed duck." :-)
> i can't imagine anyplace in the u.s. where serving dog or cat would be more
> cost-effective than the usual meats. what, are the most junior kitchen
> staff sent out in hunting parties?
> your pal,
> blake
Back in the early 80's, Asian refugees moved into a local town in a great
number sponsored by local churches and such. Within a year or two a small city
riddled with stray animals was devoid of any. A good friend of mine (Lau) was
busted for poaching Pigeons under a highway bridge with a BB gun. These folks
did not grow up with the same luxury as most here, I am sure they were very
respectful and didn't waste anything. Even with animals we consider "edible"
they would make wonderful meals with parts of a cow we would normally not eat.
The cud from the second stomach, partially digested was used in some soup
stocks, bones were split and the marrow used similarly. Several families would
buy an animal and butcher it themselves, nothing was wasted but bone and teeth.
If I may wander a bit it was so cool to be exposed to this culture at such a
young age. My pop was in the Grocery bushiness and would come to where we
worked on Fridays with a peck bag full of fresh fruits and veggies and just
hand them out. You would have thought he had just handed a kid a three pound
candy bar. One fall we were putzing around behind the shop in a field. I
noticed wild blueberrys and grapes in the clearings so I popped a few in my
mouth. My friend Daphet asked me what it was and I showed him. That afternoon
after work he loaded his family up in his van and they all brought little
baskets, they cleaned the field out. These folks appreciated and respected
everything they ate.
Fresh water seaweed or "angel hair algae" was used for soups along with local
fresh water snails too. My point I guess is I am sure my friends ate dog and
cat, pigeon, etc. I guess too that they treated whatever they ate with respect
and reverence in relation to their own beliefs, I had no problem with it
myself. In fact I respected it and as noted before here, adopted a very similar
lifestyle for almost a decade.
OK... funny story. For years while I worked with my Lau friends they always
teased me that "you can not die until you eat dog" and they all would laugh as
we sat at the lunch table. One day I noticed a different meat in the stew and
asked several times what the meat was. They answered "people meat" as was
another ongoing taunt they teased us Americans with
Later that day as we
clocked out Kong looked over at me and said "hey big why (sic) guy"... "you can
die now"... jerk..
Ok, now I will stop...
Can I haz Cheezeburger?
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I am Tosk[_2_]
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